Part 2 - Sapiens - brief history of humans

Fiction based view In his famous book "Sapiens"Yuval argues that main reason for humanity's progress is its ability to create stories. Religions, nationalisms, money based economies and joint stock corporations are all behind tbe success of humans. Humans cooperate and coexist in large numbers unlike animals which cannot live in large numbers. No doubt this is a new and creative way of interpreting reasons for human progress.Yuval says that every concept that facilitated humans to cooperate each other in big numbers are all based on fiction or stories. Nations, money based economic models, corporate entities are really products of imaginations is agreeable to a large extent. Even in the case of religions, when it is a broadbased view, it is an acceptable point in my opinion. But to dismiss all religious doctrines as figment of someone's imagination is like stretching this argument a little too far. But, yes,Yuval is spot on in macro analyzi...