
Showing posts from June, 2023

Is there a religion called Hinduism ? ( Translated from writer jeyamohan article )

Is Hinduism a religion?       For the past one month I have been asked this question through mail whether Hinduism is a religion at all.. Of them many are youngsters, modern educated and with a good amount of interest in cultural matters. But the trouble is they take information from social media and political gossip.      I gave them a mocking reply with a bit of irritation that in the whole world only hindus know about their religion from the enemies and detractors of Hinduism.       We do have to think of the fact that a number of philosophers & Seers have lived and enriched our country.  There are also a good number of books available to read about their contributions to our religion and culture . These people do not take any effort to know about them. But instead they do form their opinions on hinduism from people who do not know either the history of hindu gnostic lineage or about the great sages of this great country. Is ...