
Showing posts from June, 2020

Factfullness - Book review - Positivity overflowing

Factfullness - Book review                     " There is no room for facts when our mind is full of fear" Hans Rosling, author of the book "FACTFULLNESS".  World outlook -Poverty levels                This book I think, is a must read for people who want to know about the journey of human progress made thus far. One of the super positive books I have ever read. This book is a kind of eye opener for many as this will turn their world outlook upside down. For the better, of course. Essence of the book is positive progress made by humanity in the last 200 years. The author establishes with facts and figures and with the help of many charts how we have come a long and better way in poverty alleviation, education, health and many other social indicators. For example, poverty level of the people was 85 percent in the 1800s and now (2018) it came down to just 9% which was just phenom...

Kerala development dialogue

Kerala development dialogue              A global level conversation on development has been initiated by Government of Kerala which is called 'Kerala dialogue' in the wake of Covid 19 pandemic.Here are some excerpts from the sessions held.  Kerala CM - inaugural speech             The Covid 19 virus has made us to rethink the core aspects of our life. We have to change for new world. Our priorities may change and we may have to gain new knowledge to adapt. This, governments alone cannot do and a society wide conversation is needed. To facilitate this we are starting a platform called Kerala dialogues in which scientists, philosophers, policy makers, economists,activists, professionals and the general public will take part in this conversation. In a major crisis like covid 19 attack what we need is strong relationship based on trust between public and the govt. Historically Kerala has many lessons to offer in ...

Ambethkar's Dhamma - excerpts

Buddha dhamma - Dr. Ambethkar  One of the recent books I have read is Ambedkar's "Buddha and His Dhamma" (Ambedkar's Book. 22.) Though it was written in a new style, it was enjoyable.  The book provides plenty of information for those who are just starting out with a superficial understanding of Buddhism.  It also gives a complete account of Buddha's life and philosophy.  The book is easy to read.  General Understanding  When Buddha was young, we are taught  that he left the young wife and their child, an infant boy, to go to the forest one fine night  to learn the truth.  What really happened?  This book answers the questions of why the Buddha undertook Parivrajam (asceticism) at the age of 29.  There are some fabulous stories that until the 29th year of his life he was not aware of death, disease and old age and suddenly he leaves the family to forest in search of answers.  There is no record of any such incident,...