Kerala development dialogue

Kerala development dialogue

             A global level conversation on development has been initiated by Government of Kerala which is called 'Kerala dialogue' in the wake of Covid 19 pandemic.Here are some excerpts from the
sessions held.

 Kerala CM - inaugural speech

            The Covid 19 virus has made us to rethink the core aspects of our life. We have to change for new world. Our priorities may change and we may have to gain new knowledge to adapt. This, governments alone cannot do and a society wide conversation is needed. To facilitate this we are starting a platform called Kerala dialogues in which scientists, philosophers, policy makers, economists,activists, professionals and the general public will take part in this conversation. In a major crisis like covid 19 attack what we need is strong relationship based on trust between public and the govt. Historically Kerala has many lessons to offer in managing crisis like this by having strong system of decentralized governance. This started in 1957 when the first Communist govt
took charge. It made pioneering progress in decentralized form of governance. Due to that in Kerala there is a very good community participation in planning. This type of participatory style of governance has helped Kerala in containing spread of covid pandemic so successfully.Strong
public sector is essential in health and education for this empowered model to succeed. This pandemic situation has made to rethink the very important role of state intervention in social sectors esp in health. We now know that economic and social inequalities will make the pandemic worse. The pandemic has disproportionately affected the poor and marginalized sections of the society. We need to bring the focus onto them. These conversations will further advance our understanding of the world, the role of governance, best models of our society..

Prof Noam Chomsky on post covid 19 world and if that is a transformatory point

           Post pandemic world depends on what people are doing at present. Votaries of neo liberalism who created this disaster are really working very hard to make this world when it comes out from the pandemic will be structurally much like the one that caused it more harsher, authoritarian and controlled with more surveillance But there are very significant counter forces and if they can be
brought together and form a powerful force they can change the way things turn out. There are steps
in the direction. People are forming progressive international forces all over the world. From India,
Africa, US and Europe. These forces are trying to create a different world. How this conflict will emerge you will never predict, it will intensify and begin to decline. The fact is we are going to recover from this pandemic at terrible cost. As there are no solutions to global warming, south asia
will become unlivable in the coming decades if we continue the present course. What the countries
are doing. Some of them including India are doing something. But what the most powerful country in the world doing? It is doing all it can to maximize use of fossil fuels and lead the world towards destruction and endless abyss. It is trying all its might to eliminate all efforts of regulatory apparatus. Why they are doing? Because it enriches its rich friends and increases the corporate power and it leads the destruction of organized human life on the planet. Trump tore up the agreement with Iran just because Obama made it and it increases the threat of major war in the region. When US, mafia don of the world imposes sanctions on Iran all countries have no other option to follow that. In the present circumstances, the United states is holding enormous power and no other country can even come close to that. The talk of China becoming a competing world power is built on sand.

Prof Amartya sen - lessons from covid 19 on inequalities

           We see it again and again that covid virus does not differentiate between colour, colour black or white and of course it does not. But what is relevant is how the population reacts to it. It equally
applies to any crisis. In the 1940s when the British discovered that they don.t have enough food in
proportion to their population what they did was to ensure that through rationing and control in prices. Thus they made food shortage situation into a surplus.Because of this undernourishment
in population suddenly disappeared. This experience is to be understood in today.s context.   
In the US Covid virus kills more number of poor black people even where they are in a minority.
There is no effort to move in an egalitarian direction there following British
example in the 1940s. The british experience is an interesting one. In the same period they so
successfully managed food shortage in Britain there was an acute famine happening in Bengal
province of their colony. there was no sympathy shown to the hapless people who were dying.
Two different attitudes by the same leadership of imperialism for two set of people. Same way, as more like an imperialist power make the distinction between the Africans  who were brought in as slaves to America and the others. I see some hope that there is some kind of resistance going on in some form at long last right now in the US. Every adversity is potentially a learning experience
but it need not go that way if we refuse to learn anything from that. 









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