Book review - Homo deus / Yuval noah harari

Newer Points to ponder on human progress and future of homo sapiens - Homo deus book review Second most popular book from Israeli author and Historian Yuval noah Harari is Homo Deus and here we will see some of his newer and interesting perspectives. Like his first book this book also deals about the homo sapien's (humans) progresses up to now, as to how it started to dominate the whole world and also what would be the future coursef or them. It is a kind of sequel to Homo sapiens, his first comprehensive work on human history. Humanity based religions God based religions came about after agricultural revolution and yuval says after scientific revolution human centered religions started to appear. Like some of the people who are experts in study of human behavior opines yuval also says movements associated withsome sort of philosophical moorings are all humanity based religions. In the new age religions, author sa...