Excerpts from Book "Why we get sick? What doctors, multinationals and pharma will never tell you... " By Shubham Gupta

Excerpts from Book "Why we get sick? What doctors, multinationals and pharma will never tell you... " By Shubham Gupta

         I read this book recently on Amazon kindle. I am writing this since I wanted to note down certain
portions of the book which was very amusing and some 'facts' mentioned in this book were mind boggling.

         Here is a warning. Frankly I do not know anything about the authenticity of 'facts' the author
mentions. I just present them as it is. Headings are mine.

        CELLS: A human body is conversation going on, both within the cells and between the cells,
and they are telling each other to grow and to die: when you are sick, something's gone wrong with that
conversation. - W Daniel Hills

        BLOOD VESSELS: If you take all your blood vessels and lay them in one straight line, they will cover
approximately 1 lakh km. DNA inside each cell is 2 metre long and if you align all DNA in one line,
together you can reach sun and back to earth 300 times !

       BRAIN: There are 100 billion ( 1 billion = one thousand millions, 1 million = 1 thousand thousands)
specialized cells in our brain called neurons. Each of these cells have 2000 to 10000 branches called
dendrons. To learn anything from walking to reading, many of these neurons join via these dendrites.
Imagine the number of permutation combination which can be made in your brain to make a neuro ]
pathway. The number might be bigger than the number of stars in the galaxy. Imagine the possibility which
contained in just your single organ - brain.

      LUNGS: Every time you take a deep breathe in, you are inhaling approximately 100,000,000,000,
000,000 oxygen molecules into your lungs.

     HEART: Everyday your heart beats around 1 lakh times. By the time you reach the age of 60, your
heart has beaten approximately 22,000,000,000 times. Although your heart is no bigger than the size of
your fist, it has mighty job of keeping your blood flowing through 60000 miles of your blood vessels
that feed your organs and tissues.

     METABOLISM : It is true that two people with the same size and body composition can have
very different metabolisms. One can consume huge meal after huge meal and gain no weight, while
the other must carefully count calories to not gain weight.
    "We don't understand the mechanism that controls a person's metabolism," says Will Wong,
a researcher and professor at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Metabolism and Obesity Research.
That's because metabolism doesn't occur in the body alone and is such a complex process.
It operates equally and simultaneously in body and mind. Astounding research in the mind body
sciences has convincingly highlighted the connection between what we think and feel, and the
chemistry of the body. Your metabolism can depend hugely upon your emotional state of mind.

   MEDICINE: The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease -

   DISEASE MONGERING: There is a powerful industry in our society that is working in the
background silently to invent new diseases and to convince us we are suffering from.
Pharma companies sponsor diseases and promote them to prescribers and consumers. 

   DOCTORS: We have trusted our health to doctors. Where do the doctors get their information
from?..... Remember that health is not the business of your doctor. It is your own business.

  CHOLESTEROL: Cholesterol is a good guy and a doing lot of good things for you daily. Cholesterol 
is seen at the scene of crime but it is not the criminal. Sugars and trans fats are the silent killers.

  CONSCIOUSNESS: The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of 
energy, states that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed: energy can only be transferred or
changed from one form into another. How can consciousness die?

   One writer has expressed well when he says that without self consciousness a creature may know,
but only by the aid of self consciousness is it possible for him to know that he knows.





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