Saturday, August 10, 2024

My reading of Louis Fischer's Biography of Gandhiji

    Out of tens (or hundreds) of biographies which were written on Mahatma Gandhiji's life Louis Fischer's "The Life of Mahatma Gandhi" takes a very special place. Arguably it is considered by many as the best and most authentic of all the life accounts of the great man.

     I recently read the Louis Fischer's book . I think it would have been reviewed umpteen times by many since the time it was published in the year 1956. Here I am going to write on issues which I could see as new or contrary to general understanding. 

    Many believe that the Civil disobedience movement which Gandhiji successfully launched against the British was largely inspired by American poet and writer Henry David Thoreau's book on Civil rights movement.  But it was refuted by Gandhi himself in his writings. The civil disobedience movement was launched in the year 1930 and only after the launch he came to know of Thoreau's essay on the subject much later. But Thoreau's ideas would have propelled him to take the movement further.

    Gandhi learnt the art of shoe making when he was in South African jail. Gandhiji presented one set of the shoes he made as a gift to General Smutz who served as a President of South Africa. Ram Guha, author of many books on Gandhi, writes in his Book " Gandhi in South Africa" that General Smutz kept the shoes presented by Gandhi in his house as he felt that it was not proper for him to wear them as it was made by the Great Mahatma.

     But the General Smutz contradicts this in his interview to bbc radio documentary that he used the sandals presented by Gandhi for some time. Afterwards he discontinued using the same as he didn't feel comfortable using the same as it was hand made by Gandhiji.

    Another interesting thing is Gandhiji, though a world famous leader, like many common men was afraid of his wife Kasturiba. Many a times fearing scolding by Wife Kasturiba, Gandhi avoided meeting her within the house. This happens like when Gandhi brings someone for lunch or dinner not informing beforehand.

   The impression after reading the book is that Louis Fischer, mostly writes like a true admirer of the Great man Gandhiji, though in some places he tries to be neutral. But the narrative was told from the perspective of a western mind. 

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