Sunday, August 11, 2024

Spectrum of Left - Part 1 / Time to retrieve left from orthodoxy

Spectrum of Left

     We were discussing politics in a family function some months ago. One of the persons in the casual chat was a district level RSS funtionary. As I am a known left sympathizer,  the rss guy tried to provoke me by strongly criticizing the Marxism based parties' activities and movements. I didn't fall for the trap. I said though I have left leanings as a trade union functionary, I won't blindly defend all that the left parties do nor do I fully subscribe to Marxist ideas. My support is only a qualified one and I further said that I was entitled to difference of opinion on some of the conventional left views or policies. One of the participants then said that there are many shades of left - or spectrum of left views among people. It provoked me to attempt this write up on the left thinking. 
Debate with fundamentalists 

     And in the discussion I unambiguously told that, yes, I have some differing view points with the orthodox leftists.  But on the principles of right wing forces like rss, I don't have any point of discussion with most of them. Most of the right wingers are like blind bhakts. Their minds are closed and not open to any ideas. It is a different matter that some in the left wing are also similar to them. It is fundamentalism of one extreme against another. It is futile to talk with fundamentalists of any hue.

Left and Right - Simple interpretation

    What exactly is left and what is right? Is there any authentic definition? Anyone or any idea on the side of ruling establishment is Right and the persons who are in the opposing side is Left wing. This is a simple definition of the terms, in my view. As per this view, naturally persons who take up causes of common folks is left, broadly speaking. This was the case even before the influence of the Marxism. Political activist  Yogendra yadav, in one of speeches recently says that even when leftists or Marxists come to take the reins of power, the people who are in the opposing camps may also be called left. So, in his opinion left is anti establishment, basically. In the talk he wanted complete consolidation of all left forces, left, extreme left, right of left and centre left forces to defeat rise of right wing in the country.

Isn't there left fundamentalism?
       We all know regarding religions, theology and belief systems there are many varieties. We call extreme views as fundamentalism in religions. The religious fundamentalists are one of major causes of conflicts all throughout human history.  There are also varieties of left thought. Those who have extreme views of left are also fundamentalists, in a way. The fundamentalism of left come in various forms. Of them well known form is called left extremism. There are many extremist left Organizations in the world today, though considerably weakened during the present times. 

Predicament of Left - what is the solution?

     The tragedy of our times is complete mis understanding of left idealogy. Generally left is identified only with the people who have extreme and orthodox views like Marxist Leninist groups.
Majority don't have the understanding that anyone who is dissatisfied with the present system of governance and who is having the thought of "people deserve better" will come into the ambit of left, whatever their take on Marx & Marxists.  Marxists, for the last one century hijacked the leftist ideology by default. With many changes in today's times after more than 150 years of Marx, it is time to retrieve and hand over the role of left to all who are concerned with the plight of common masses. Will any hindu muslim or Christian accept if we say that all those who follow these religions are fundamentalists.  None of them will agree. Majority will say that they are following their religions like normal people. They do not have any big agenda like the extremists. We don't treat them like the  fundamentalists and leave them alone to follow their paths peacefully. Likewise people oriented leftists whose only agenda is people's welfare should be left alone not bothering about dogmas or doctrines.

Positive Role of Marxism
     It is not that I belittle or downplay the role of Marx or Marxists in the shaping of human history. Most certainly Marxism largely influenced the course of humanity's progress. It heralded a new era in the lives of common masses. It did play a major role in ensuring the inclusive progress of all stakeholders including the lowest strata of people. This inclusive progress happened for the first time in human history due to the direct and indirect consequence of Marxism, we may dare say. With the help of Industrial revolution many new things came like minimum working hours, minimum wages, democracies, the birth of new middle classes, welfare state concept, pension for workers, bonus, trade union rights, collective bargaining etc., to name a few. All these would not have been possible without the philosophy of Karl Marx. 

     I feel that all people who are in the forefront of various left movements to go beyond their individual preferences on interpretations of the Marxist principles, must come on some common minimum platform to tackle people's issues like alleviation of poverty and safeguarding employments, creation of more jobs, ensuring proper distribution of wealth to reduce income inequalities, environmental issues, et al. It is time for the left to unite internationally based on all issues faced by humanity forgetting the difference of opinions due to the interpretation left ideologies. This is needed to save humanity from self destruction.

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