Review of "zindagi na milegi dobara" movie

Thoughts on the Hindi movie zindagi na milegi dobara 

        This is the only movie about which I am writing something. I thought the movie had some chemistry that I could connect with. Some troll the movie for too many messages. But that is what made me write this. I am a south indian and don't follow hindi much and I had to rely on sub titles most of the time. Still I never felt out of place. True, it took me some time to get into the characters and inside the story. After that it was a very jolly ride which never stopped till the end. Really a good experience. You will have such an outing with very few films. I am into novels and don't normally watch movies. And it is very rare that I appreciate a movie instantly. It is very strange that wanted to write about this movie immediately after finished watching it. I watched it only last Sunday on prime videos and I would say that it made my day wonderful. I think it was the feel good factor that was palpable throughout. Though romance and getting married is the main theme and it was made in a different mileu that was very new. The story was woven around the three main characters and other characterizations were weakly portrayed. This was a drawback of the movie, so to say. But it didn't affect the overall pace of the movie. A very good gripping movie to watch on a weekend.
I am waiting for a sequel to be made for this movie as that may become a super duper hit for sure, I feel. Only certain types of movies which would never a have a dull moment. This is one such film and I am going to see it again and again. I am really that much impressed. After watching this movie not only that I wanted to write on my blog and I also wished to write to the director of the movie Zoya Akhtar after knowing her email id. As it is not possible, I am venting my thoughts here.


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