The Zorba experience

Zorba the greek - an unforgettable ride in crete island

      "Zorba the greek" is a novel written by Nikos Kazanzakis. Its a story about the journey of two persons with contrasting persona becoming very close during the course of their life journey. One, a book worm and a youngster and the other, an older adventurous man called Zorba are the central characters of the story. When the character of zorba unfolds in the story, I did feel that this man thinks, behaves and talks more like Osho. Interestingly Osho has talked a lot about zorba. Osho says that Zorba is the foundation to reach buddhahood. He says that without the foundation one cannot build the palace called buddha. He would want the new man to be like zorba. 

         In many places during the reading of this novel, I felt more like reading a Osho's book. Normally I could reach a meditative state during or after going through Osho's works. The same happened when I was reading this novel. This book has such a spiritual hold on the reader. And not only that, in my opinion Osho's lectures were all hugely inspired by the zorba character. I don't know what would be the reaction of a more serious Osho fan to this view. This book was written and published before Osho's times and Osho talks very highly of this book also.

        The author who was nominated for nobel for nine different occasions, has many interesting quotes against his name and one such a quote resembles the character in this epic novel. "I hope for nothing I fear nothing and I am free".

       Coming to the book, I would say Zorba is a dream like character. The author deserves all praise for creating a character like that. I think many of us would want to emulate the livin style of Zorba. Such a free wheeling, amazing, awe inspiring, daring, lovable characer the author has moulded. What touched me most is the humanity of Zorba. He was beyond race, religions, gender and national prejudices. To develop a dream characer like this during war ravaged period of 20th century world is a big achievement. At that time (1946) nationalistic sentiments were also at the highest. There was no difference between nationalism and jingoism during that period. This book is another proof that writers think beyond their times. 

          I would rate this along the great russian classics like Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment. A must read for classic lovers.



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